But we went to St. George last weekend. Andy had some classes for work he had to go to, so we all tagged along. I attempted to leave the hotel room by myself with three little kids, but that didn't work out so well, so we hung out by the pool for two days, and it was awesome. It was so warm! We went to a park and it was so packed with vacationers, not locals, taking advantage of dry ground.
When Andy got home from classes, the girls wanted to jump back in the pool with him, naturally. There were dozens of kids there, and it didn't take long before they were ALL climbing all over Andy. He's a magnet. He turns to me and says, "Every pool we go to this happens!" And it wasn't as if there weren't other parents in the pool, either. One little girl was even calling him "Daddy!" I wonder if the other parents felt bad,
but I doubt it. I think it was more, "Ahh, now they're his problem. I can relax." He just shouldn't be so much fun! Max and I just hung out and watched, which was fine with me. I'm not even close to being ready for swimsuits yet!
So, on Saturday we had to check out of the hotel and I had to entertain the kids without a pool. We went to the park, and then to the movies (Hotel for Dogs, don't waste your time even if it is for kids.) and when we went into the movies I didn't bother to bring a diaper bag with. You see, Max only poops about once every five days. And if I'm carrying a car seat with fifteen pound baby in it, plus trying to keep a hold of a 2 year old and a five year old is pulling my pants down by my back pockets, the last thing I need is a diaper bag. Long story short, Max is happy as a clam, but when I adjust him on my lap, I feel IT! POOP has leaked out, and is not only on him, but all over my pants! I'm in a movie theater and to get a diaper I would have to lug the aforementioned car seat, baby, toddler and 5 year old clear out to the parking lot. So what did this genius do? I wrapped him in a blanket and he happily sat in it for another 45 minutes! Gross? Yes. My pants had dried poop that couldn't be wiped off by the time we got out, but I stand by my decision. Don't judge me! Despite the poop, the trip was wonderful. Our kids are so good in the car that the long ride was really not that bad. Thank goodness for portable DVD players, eh?
Zoe flipped herself with an elastic in the hotel room. Check out the shape of the welt!