Tuesday, July 6, 2010

God Bless America

The Fourth of July truly is my favorite holiday. And I'll take anyone to the mat arguing that small town Fourth's are THE best. Moroni's celebration is so much fun, even if it is just for nostalgia's sake. But it's wonderful seeing the same faces sitting in the same spots under the same trees for the parade year after year, and hitting the carnival with old fashioned games like fishpond and bob for apples (sadly, they have entered newer things like bounce houses, which just aren't the same), and then BBQ turkey and fun with the family while the kids count their candy they caught from the parade .

Sadly, this year, I missed it all. I had to work and I can't believe how depressed I was about it, but Andy and the kids went and had a great time. My ever thoughtful and kind brother-in-law, Fred, shared his pictures with me. (Although he may have just been rubbing my face in the fact that I wasn't there, I'll never know.)

I do want to add, how grateful I am for this country. I know our Heavenly Father has blessed us so much for giving us this land and all of our countless freedoms, freedoms that I don't really even understand that others don't have. My heart is full for those who have fought and still fight for us, who protect us, who protect my family and preserve this country. Thank you.

True adrenaline. Zoe with cousins Aiden and Keyton.

Check out that face! Zoe in the middle.

I'm still not sure if I believe it! Ella rode a motorcycle all by herself!

We went down on Sunday (the actual 4th) to pick up the kids and she showed me that they weren't lying about the motorcycle.

Maybe it's not a full sized motorbike, but who's that going to stop? Can you stop laughing at this picture? Because I couldn't!!!!

Yes, yes. I even gave it a go. Hell's Angel's has a new member. I just need me some sweet chaps!