Monday, September 1, 2008

Caution: New Bloggers Ahead

So we have finally decided to join the rest of you in the world of blogging. I know, it's hard to believe we are doing this with NO professional training. Don't feel bad that our blog is so awesome, we are just naturally perfect at everything we do! We do ask for your patience as we attempt to wend our way through this new fangled notion called "the internet".

So the reason we have decided to do this now, besides wanting to show off our incredibly gorgeous children, is because this has been and continues to be a huge year for us. We sold our house in Orem after much sweat and tears (literally sweat and literally tears). We had the nightmare of having to put on a new roof to sell it. Then we thought we'd put in new carpet, because, hey, we didn't have enough stress. And we have now officially moved to Heber City, Utah. We miss being closer to friends and family, but who coulda thunk we'd be happy amongst the folk of Heber? We love our new home and the girls are making friends quickly in the new, quieter, neighborhood.

On top of all that excitement, we are expecting another baby! Our little boy is due on November 6th and we are extremely excited. It has taken Ella and Zoe a while to get used to the idea, but now they talk about the baby like he is already here.

So we are in a continual state of adjustment this year and want to keep everyone updated. Hopefully I'll get the hang of doing this blog thing, feel free to laugh at me as I try!


MaMaMaMandy said...

Yeah Sarah for joining the blog world!! I am a total slacker at it (who would have thought!) but I love doing it just the same! I can't believe you moved! I love Heber- hopefully I will be able to make it up there soon!Please send me your new address!! Wow- your family is just so beautiful!

The Chris Tippets Family said...

Yea! You started a blog. We are sad you guys aren't has close anymore; but your home in Heber is awesome.

Alicia said...

Yeah for blogging! First off, I think you guys forgot to tell us something, but I have known for a while now about your upcoming arrival so it is ok. :) (Back when I saw Sarah at Target in the beginning of June I knew there was something different!) Congrats on the baby boy! His due date is so soon!!! We are bias, but boys are the best!
We would love to come and see your new house sometime soon! We are happy you started a blog.

Tiffany said...

Hi Sarah! It's me Tiffany (Mortensen) Pratt. It's nice to see what you've been up to. Congrats on expecting a little boy soon! We have a website- Take care!