Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Halloween 2011 (Best one yet!)

Go ahead and fill in the blank on what Andy is supposed to be: Gandolf, Moses, or, according to one neighbor girl, Jesus. His intent? Dumbledor. He does a perfect voice of Dumbly-dor that all the neighborhood kids loved!

Ella was adamant on wearing her costume from kindergarten. About three inches too small in all directions, but she couldn't care less. Look at that smile!

Zoe informed me that she wanted to be "Christine" from Phantom of the Opera. Wow. How does one dress up for that? Well, this worked. This dress is actually Grammy's from when she was Zoe's age!

Max's current obsession is Darth Vader. No other costume would do. He even wore the mask for about two minutes!

Ahhhh, what an awesome sight! The streets crawling with little trouble makers! I love it!
This just warms my heart!

1 comment:

Ruthie said...

It's wonderful to see all your faces again, and the costumes are fantastic! Ben and Zach were pawing at me to see Max's costume, and Zach even started humming/singing the theme song to Darth Vader aka Dark Mader.