Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Thrills Never Stop!

* Ella lost her first tooth! The excitement of the Tooth Fairy was more than she has for Santa.
* Max got his first tooth! It's like they traded.
* Zoe coined her new phrase, "For reals. I'm not kidding!" Which she uses for everything.
* Max is sitting up, rolling over, eating baby food and grabbing at EVERYTHING. I love it. His favorite thing to do is rummage through the desk drawer while I am blogging.
* Zoe is getting over her Max jealousy and started "going potty" on her own again. What a relief.
* Zoe started riding (kind of) her first "big girl" bike with training wheels.
* Ella went on her first field trip with a bus and everything. The most exciting part was getting to take a sack lunch!
* Ella is finishing kindergarten this week, I can't believe it.
* Andy is training like a dog. Two races down, many more to go. The next being the 1/2 Iron Man in June.
* I quit my job at Timp Reg. after 4+ years. Very bittersweet.
* I started a new job at the University of Utah floating in their ICUs. Andy played Mr. Mom while I had to orient ALL week long and I found out they really don't need me here;)
* Andy and I had our 8 year anniversary! (Love you, babe!!)

and, finally,

* The garden is still not done.....

1 comment:

camille said...

Max has a! I'm not really excited for that at our house if you know what I mean!