Friday, May 15, 2009

El Jardin, Part II: The Destruction

Apparently it is a well known fact that railroad ties are covered in creosote. Okay, fine. So what? Apparently, again, this creosote causes cancer. Isn't it so fun that my beautiful garden, that Andy had spent endless hours of sweat and blood on, was lined with this stuff? We debated and debated, because EVERY garden has railroad ties, but when it comes to our kids, I just couldn't bring myself to feed them carincogenic carrots. As a result, the solidly rebarred ties were dug up and out. Andy took care to cause as little disturbance as possible to my precious seeds, bless him, but will this garden ever be done? He spent the entire day redoing the border with redwood, and, as you can see, it looks gorgeous. But now we have a foot of empty space all around the edges! The dirt just BARELY got off my driveway, after three weeks of moving it one wheelbarrow full at time, I'm not getting more! Plus, I think the dirt we bought is bad, it isn't FUN to work in. Se be continued again...

The HOPEFULLY almost finished product

Attention: No pepper plants were harmed in the making of this garden.

1 comment:

camille said...

Oh Sarah....I TOTALLY knew that about railroad ties and didn't even think to mention it (Jonny's mom built garden boxes last year and was telling us what we should use to border our garden...which still isn't done). Anyway, we have tons of dirt from digging out for our garage, so if you need any you could wheelbarrow it from our house and not buy a whole load....