Monday, March 22, 2010

Yea, Here Comes Seven!

We have three birthdays all within 30 days of each other at our house, so if the ol' blog here feels a little over birthday-ified, well, it is. But it's worth it. Especially since this time we are celebrating Ella! In preparation for her seventh birthday, Ella shot up three inches over night and lost all capability of eating her birthday cake. (That means she lost her teeth for those of you who don't get my humor.) In a nutshell, she is getting so big!!! As kids you get so sick of hearing that phrase, but as a parent you can't stop saying it.

She had a great day of playing, and partying at the Kangaroo Zoo and having birthday dinner at her favorite, Applebee's. She is such a sweet, sensitive girl and the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. But all that beauty is in front of some of the biggest brains out there, so watch out! My heart is just bursting with how lucky I am that she is mine. I love you Ella Bella!

Figuring out how to work her new kite. It is a March birthday after all.

Max is digging the wrapping paper.

So happy at Applebee's. I think she likes it here because she thinks it's the only place she gets Rootbeer.


Melissa said...

I can't believe how big Ella is getting either!!! She is so beautiful! We need to get some new pictures of your family because today Kate didn't recognize Ella's picture. It makes me so sad that our kids don't know each other well. We need to move back to Utah in the next couple of years...

Ruthie said...

Happy Birthday Ella! So glad to hear you had a great day!

Missy said...

Happy Birthday Ella! What a cute girl! (I think a certain boy I know will always think she is the prettiest thing he's ever seen. But we won't let him know we know that for about 10 more years, ok?)