Sunday, November 29, 2009

In The Spirit of Christmas...

As Andy and I went to get a Christmas tree, we decided to nail down the top worst/most annoying Christmas songs...

1. "Mary Did You Know?" Of course she knew! The angel told her right to her face!
2. "Christmas Shoes" This could be a tie for first.
3. John Lennon's "So This is Christmas."
4. Bruce Springstein's "Santa Claus is Coming to Town." We counted...he says it 27 times in a row!!! Not cool, Boss.
5. Beach Boys, "Little Saint Nick."
6. Elvis' "I'll Have a Blue Christmas." (But not Willy Nielsons' version.)
7. The Mormon "12 Days of Christmas".
8. Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas Is You."
9. "Santa Baby" Andy hates this song.
10.... Well, what's left?


camille said...

uh, maybe we can't be friends anymore....FOUR of those are my favorite songs and I WILL be serenading you guys UNTIL Christmas now! But I do hate the Christmas shoes song....

Matt Avery said...

Last Christmas - Wham. What the *&^% does it even have to do with Christmas? Yet, we only hear it between Thanksgiving and Christmas.